Tuesday 5 March 2019

Marxism & hegemony

Mail Online review of Capital

1) Re-read the Mail Online review of Capital. Why does it suggest that Capital features a left-wing ideology?

The Mail Online suggests that Capital features a left-wing ideology as it subverts the dominant stereotypes e.g. The immigrants are presented as hard working and humble whereas, the white British family are seen as taking everything for granted and always complaining despite having a lot of money.

2) Choose three quotes from the review that are particularly critical of Capital and paste them into your blogpost. Do you agree with the criticisms? Why?

1) "The hardest worker on the street was an illegal immigrant, determined to pay her way and not touch a penny of benefits" I disagree with this statement as she isn't the only person that is working hard in Capital. Despite taking everything for granted, Rodger is still a hard working man with a tough job.

2) "Everything British came in for a dose of loathing." I agree with this statement because there was no positive aspects of the British culture in the first episode of Capital. The first episode clearly illustrated that everyone in London has problem with something whether you're wealthy or not. E.g. Roger being awfully surprised when he didn't get the bonus expected which highlights he isn't humble. The female immigrant has been facing problems as she got arrested and may get deported back to Zimbabwe. 

3) "The residents were bemused, but not scared." I disagree with the statement because the residents were frightened and felt very uncomfortable as pictures were being taken of them and their own family. 

3) What scenes or characters from Capital could be read as promoting left-wing ideology?

One scene that promotes the left-wind ideology is when the female immigrant has been working as the traffic warden and she has been working overtime. This connotes that immigrants are working very hard to keep the law in order.

4) What about the other side of the argument - are there any aspects of Capital that reinforce the status quo in capitalist London?

Rodger maintains his status quo by working in a high paid job (bank).

Media Magazine feature on BBC drama The Casual Vacancy and ideology

Now go to our Media Magazine archive and read the feature 'The Beeb, The Mail and JKR' in MM53 (page 20). This focuses on the politics of The Casual Vacancy, another BBC three-part drama based on a book by JK Rowling.


Answer the questions below:

1) Why did the Daily Mail suggest The Casual Vacancy promoted a left-wing ideology?

The three-part mini-series argue that Rowling heavily promotes left-wing values by ridiculing the wealthier
residents and shaming them for their plot to sell off the local food bank and rehab centre Sweet love House.

2) How does the article suggest characters, narrative and setting are used to promote a left-wing ideology?

The article suggests that characters, narrative and setting are used to promote a left-wing ideology because The Casual Vacancy promoted a left wing value by shaming the plot by selling food to the local food bank.

3) What research is quoted regarding BBC bias and what did it find? Do you think the BBC is biased?

Many of the newspapers which have criticised The Casual Vacancy. They support broadly Conservative views that food banks, rehab centres and a larger state do little to foster personal responsibility.

4) Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggests people are kept under control through active consent - the control of 'common sense'. How could you apply the Daily Mail or the BBC to the idea of hegemony and dominant ideologies in the UK media?

I believe the Daily Mail is more right-wing as they shame immigrants and different cultures within the UK however, whenever it is someone that is a White British they get praised. 

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