Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Cinematography video feedback and learner response

Teachers Feedback:


  • Post production (Use of titles at start/ short film convention).
  • Start with close up - Enigma code.
  • Use of fade out between scenes.
  • Narrative -  Well constructed + efficient.
  • Use of dissolves.
  • Very efficient music - atmospheric/climatic.
  • Flashing image/strobe effect.
  • Sound effects - gun shots.
  • Pan up body at end.

  • Blur/out of focus.
  • Performance - more convincing.
  • After effects.
Students Feedback:

  • Really professional.
  • Professional editing, good story-line, audio suited the video.
  • Good use of props.
  • Transitions were good.
  • Amazing tension build up.
  • Sound was very well synced in the video.
  • Good labels of shots.
  • Very good acting.
  • Idea was amazing.
  • Strong story-line corresponding with the shots.
  • Best video.
  • Watch the language

4) Now reflect on your work and write your own comments. Add three WWWs and three EBIs underneath the rest of your feedback.

1. Amazing editing
2. Great narrative
3. Instrumental music is on beat

1. Use after effects.
2. Actors need to be more professional.
3. Use various locations.

5) Learner response: think about what you learned making the video and also watching others. What will you do differently when you start the coursework in the summer? What tips or tricks have you learned from others that you can use next time? Are there any specific aspects of camerawork that you need to revise or practice? Next time I will use a variety of locations for filming and professional actors. I will also use after effects so my video can be more professional. 

Friday, 16 November 2018

Cinematography Practical Work

The narrative for this video is that someone owes Nauman money they have borrowed from him however, they have taken far too long and hasn't paid a single penny back therefore Nauman decides to take action and take the situation into his own hands. The use of the angles I have used in this video creates realism and suspense. The use of the medium shot helps the audience establish what location the character is in along with what the character is doing e.g. at 00:41 the character is putting the gun in his trousers and is in a forest so the location is discrete and reticent. The use of a tracking shot creates tension for the audience and also is a audience pleasure as the character is walking and the audience can see where the character is walking towards.

Cinematogprahy Blog Task

1) Write an analysis of the cinematography in the opening sequence. Highlight your use of media language and try to cover camera shots, angles and movement using the terminology we have learned in lessons.

In this video, I have used shots such as: Close-up, medium shot, medium close-up, tracking shot, wide shot, close-up, over the shoulder shot, long shot and a pan. The use of a close up shot is usually used to help the audience engage and feel sympathetic for the character however, in my video it is used to see who is calling Nauman and what the name is saved as on the phone as it helps establish what the narrative is.
The use of the medium shot helps the audience establish what location the character is in along with what the character is doing e.g. at 00:41 the character is putting the gun in his trousers and is in a forest so the location is discrete and reticent. The use of a tracking shot creates tension for the audience and also is a audience pleasure as the character is walking and the audience can see where the character is walking towards.

2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?
Camerawork helps audience establish the narrative and also helps the audience establish what kind of situation the character is in. For example, a close-up shot would help the audience figure out the emotions on a characters face. 

3) Find and analyse four film or TV stills. Embed the images in your blog and analyse the camera shot/angle and what they communicate to the audience.  
Image result for Power season 1The shot that is used in this image is a medium close-up. The medium close-up helps the audience figure out the emotions on the characters face along with the location they're in. In this case "Ghost" is in prison and the emotions on his face tells us that he is extremely upset and slightly scared. This helps the audience sympathise for "Ghost" as he may be framed hence why he is in prison.

Image result for top boy season 1The shot that is used in this image is a long shot. The use of a long shots helps the audience establish where the character currently is and what type of location he is in. In this case the character is in a estate. From this we can figure out that the area they're in is full of lower middle class people or lower class people. Estates are often associated with  drugs and violence so the audience might think that the characters are going there to deal drugs or to possibly have a fight.